Saturday, 23 January 2010

Power of friendship

Yesterday when I thought about the posts I have been writting i wondered if am projecting myself as a gloomy person always writing sad topics.
A friend of mine asked if I would be upset if no one read my blog, first sentence that came out of my mouth was "No" later i corrected myself. I would be happy if people ,passer by's read and kind of either join in same thought process or speak out at the probable mistakes in my thinking process..
For me this is a place where I can write certain topics thats been in my mind for sometime now.

anyway to send a message to people who randomly reach here  that am not a gloomy person here it is:

Its a topic which is a favourite subject of mine, "friends". I am a person who love to meet new persons, know them and eventually become friends, however for me the close friends circle is quite small, friendships are like a tree, it has to be nurtured, not necessarily with attention. As long as you keep in touch, care for friend in time
you realise other person is quite close to you than to attribute the word friend. So lets say close friends or best friends. For me this circle is quite small and being studied mostly in boys only institutes it comprises mostly of men (  :(  ) , the total figure itself is just about 6.
What I wanted to write is about this superb power of your best pals at time of stress and work pressure.
This happened on two different ships I was on earlier. Once the vessel reached US and this best pal of mine
drove 2hrs to meet up, as always as it happens with cargo planners they gave a short time of ships port stay and the shore leave was too short for us to spend time roaming.
After a dinner at indian restaurent we came back to the harbour only to find ships departure was delayed.
Being a small port at that time private cars were allowed beside the ship, and so  we just parked the car and this bugger had good collection of black &white tamil songs.. We just played it and sat and talked. When ship left,i felt as if i just joined, i was rejuvenated. See at that point i had worked more than 3 months on the ship and with todays short port calls we don't venture out in most ports so todays seaman are subject to quite a lot of stress compared to good old days.
 Nothing but just listening to good old songs and talking college day stories vapourised whatever worry, negative energy i had built up to that point.
I remember a colleagues wife commenting on my "happy face" just after I met them in Smoke saloon (well the name is from old days wat it means is Tv room :)  )  cause was just the few words i had with my tom boy niece over the phone who was barely 2 at that time.

Another incident being when I joined as a Chief mate in a ship, being a chief mate is basically easy but u end up doing all the work for your el capitano and your work life depends on your boss right, so I was having quite a lot of worked up stress with my new boss. It was port of Dubai, I called up a best friend who was working there, and as always i ended up making him wait more than few hours before I could meet up and he patiently waited for me at the gate.
We had dinner in the port restaurent and as before in US with another best pal here we just sat and talked.
I came back Fresh same as it occured in US with other best pal.

So anybody in stress call up ur best pal talk to him or her.. no best pal well start talking to your good friend often , in time he or she will be there for you.

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