Friday, 19 February 2010

Indian railway littering the Country

Garbage management is on a snail's pace in India . The growth is at the severe cost to nature,
sad part is, the western countries did the same mistakes. however their mechanism has been
quite good to take control of pollution in various aspects.
Not many in Indian public know about the dangers of Asbestos. Same goes for enhanced or improvised
garbage collection. Apart from other issues related to garbage one of the main cause for worry is plastics.
All of us know it, atleast the people who can read and write would hace come across information
spread through many mediums and of course we do hear often about the new control measures
put in place for controlling the type of plastic in use across the country.

This blog is about the lackadaisical attitude of government agencies, personnel running it. Am a strong believer that if something is wrong look at the SYSTEM :) . If there is possibilites to tweak the system, the wrong doings or errors will slowly minimise.
Take the case of garbage in our trains. Many coaches do not have garbage bins. When we have,
do you think following questions or points were considered.

  •  Design was thought of for its purpose .
  •  Does the size sufficient to properly contain the wastes ( am not even talking about segregation)
  • If its of minimal size, there is possibility of the bin becoming full in short time given our human traffic. So is there a mechanism to empty them at certain number of stations.
  • Campaign: Has there been a good campaign to create awareness about disposal of wastes while travelling on trains(You have  advertisements for managing waste in the stations limits)
The answer for most of the above is NO.

The result if you see as you travel is horrible, the scourge of development PLASTICS is everywhere.
Indian railways is littering the entire stretch of our country. If Railways says no, they are wrong, when
no mechanism is given for such disposal people will end up doing what they do in general i.,e
THROW where ever you want.

It irritates me when even people who look like they are educated, well behaved when it comes to disposing wastes on moving train just dispose it off !! Why can' they keep it with them untill a station comes so they can throw it off.

I travel frequently on trains. Today I had a travel of about 4.5hours of travel started at 1340hrs and arrived at my destination around 1720hrs. It is a travel of about 100 kms.
 As I did, i took out my phone and thought to video it,
with the objective of
I will run the video until one of below happens

  • Phone battery runs out 
  • I do not see a plastic of any kind for about 5 minutes

I had to stop taking the video because after few minutes of standing on opposite side of trains travel to get better view near the open door I had to stop as it wasn't feeling good to have a dizzy head in a moving train near a open door with one hand:)
Also after a while I realised the viewer of the video might get bored and it was indeed difficult to follow the video such as that.

They are everywhere , mostly as water bottles, plastic covers,  and then you have the cups well they are paper.
So i am gonna scream that Railways is India's number 1polluting entity.

After few minutes I sat, train reached a station where the station is just beside a govt. high school.Time being end of day, lot of students and teachers ran across the field length to get onto the train.
Couple of teachers got onto the compartment where I was sitting, it was a sleeper class compartment.So in few minutes they were to move to normal compartment else they could be fined. Just before they got up, the teacher read something she carried , crumbled it and threw it on the station platform :)


Let me see if can get the video onto the blog, I can see the You tube links i pasted isn't the correct way as it hasn't got embedded as a link.

Well my request to people who are here is: If you see people throwing plastics ( lets start with plastics) ask them to refrain.I used to mind my own business, till now, but I think its wrong to keep quiet.

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