Tuesday, 26 January 2010

Avatar.Thank you Cameron

This is a movie that should have released a decade ago as rightly the director wanted.

I loved the movie for everything I understood that it conveyed. And what I understood is here in this post friends :)

Within half an hour I felt strongly that two points will be projected out of this movie (hopefully).
1. Adventure
2. Destruction of  people life.


Last year I had bought "Treasure hunt" for my niece in the hope of infusing the thrill for adventure and travel, but the idea didn't take effect in reality as it did in my mind :) .
When the initial scene where Jake confronts the beasts of Pandora and the chase starts, I was wondering if I will get in trouble if all three kids (smallest was 3yrs ) would scream and we would have to leave the movie in middle as I made about 8people come to the movie saying its a kids movie :)
However after the chase and few minutes past I was happy  when my elder niece sitting beside mewas at the edge of her seat asking me clearly whats been told so she could get upto sec update on the Pandora I thanked James Cameroon for what he gave my niece via Naavi and Pandora.
The desire to see places, a hope of such place to exist in the Universe, to have all that Naavi's experience.
Best part was very often when my translation was cut down by her "i knw that, but wat he said after that.."
This movie can make all the worries of school be washed off deck and replaced with a adventurous spirit for many kids around the world.
Its very important if you ask me specially where today there is so much competition and the stress that kids are subjected to that among all factors dominating school life one could easily put aside the Nature as they grow up.


As the movie started in few minutes where we are told about the trouble Naavi's are causing with mining company and mining company's frustration with the "tree huggers"- I thought about a very similar story unfolding in India that I read in Outlook.
I said to myself " Damn, Arundhathi Roy & Green peace is gonna love this movie"
about Roy.. I have lot of reservations against her as she talks nonsense too often. i admire some of her work like the support of  above mentioned article in Outlook magazine and of course her wonderful nick names she attributed to Bush the lesser and the Prince of darkness or evil towards Rumsfeld.

Am a believer in moderate ideologies, anything has good and bad. Communism has been a wonderful too of upliftment of masses, however when used to extreme it results in a  industry less society like Kerala where no one wants to start a factory only to deal with unions and nothing about productivity and employment.            

It also emphasises that just because a Company gives good houses, education doesn't mean they have moral right to bitch about the very people from whom they grabbed the land.
I could see a HR manager of Vedanta giving out same dialogues " We give them new houses, education...."

The movie is sentimental specially with that ability of Naavi's to be able to directly link with nature or wild life.
I wish it was 3D .

Days after you see Avatar, when the workplace stress goes too much am sure many would desire a Toruk to fly away to Pandora..


Indian Thoughts said...

Hi, Thanks for visiting and reading.

murali said...

@Indian thoughts
you are welcome
u have a very informative blog, good to know about all those jargons and easy reminders.
will be following to update on "Savings"
